
As a new photographer weddings can be scary. I have been a photographer for 10 years, and I just did my first wedding this year. Luckily for me, I had an amazing couple to work with. They worked with me to make the experience great for both of us. Here are some tips for you if you are thinking about doing a wedding for the first time from my experience doing a wedding for the first time.

  • Work with the couple before the wedding
  • This helps your client become familiar with you so they can be more relaxed on their big day.
  • Know your gear
  • This is not the time to be testing out new equipment
  • I personally used a 50mm leans on my cannon t6i and an external flash with a soft box attachment.
  • Know the area
  • I recommend going to the venue the day before or a few hours before your scheduled time.
  • Look for the places you want to take the couple to.
  • Envision what the light is going to look like at the time you get to shoot.
  • Make sure it can be secluded so the couple will not be as shy in front of the camera.
  • Know your worth
  • Just because it's your first wedding doesn't mean that you have to do it for free.
  • Do not do it for free
  • Do not do it for a trade of using images on your website ( that should be in your contract).
  • If you feel like it unfair to do the wedding at full price take $100 as the first person to book you but DO NOT DO IT FOR FREE!
  • How to price a wedding
  • Talk to your client in the area and see how long they want you there
  • Charge $3 to $5 more than then minimum wage in your area per hour
  • Calculate the time your going to spend editing the images and charge the rate above for those hours as well.
  • How to deliver images
  • I personally use Pixieset to deliver all my images ( This has a free services aspect). This is my recommended way.
  • You can find other online deliver services
  • You can put them on a flash drive and mail them
  • You can put them on a google doc and send them that way.
  • How not to deliver your images
  • DO NOT TEXT your images
  • DO NOT EMAIL your images
  • How long should it take to edit and deliver your images
  • I would say give yourself about 2 weeks. Photographing a wedding can be a lot and you don't want to spend all your time editing the images as you'll get tired of editing the same images.

Thank you all for reading! Feel free to comment on another thing I may have missed.